What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a bodywork process which uses muscle testing as a principle feedback mechanism. By testing a muscle, which also indicates the energy level of it’s associated acupuncture meridian, it can be strengthened, if needed, which brings them both up to normal levels.
Touch for Health® Kinesiology and the K-Power® Kinesiology for Manual Therapists Series provide techniques and processes which effectively assess and balance the body/mind.
This can be one muscle,
or a sequence of muscles related to the acupuncture channels to bring them into balance when associated to a particular stressor,
or a group of muscles in a region,
core body – 13 muscle tests
shoulder/arm – 22 muscle tests
elbow/wrist/hand – 20 muscle tests
hip/thigh – 17 muscle tests
knee/ankle/foot – 27 muscle tests
(K-Power® Protocols).
Stress weakens the body, affects the flow of energy (qi/chi) through the acupuncture channels of the body, and shows up in one or more muscles. Kinesiology is a process of finding the imbalances and correcting them with Western reflexes and Chinese Meridian balancing. In Chinese Medicine, when the chi flows freely and unobstructed the body will be healthy.
The Touch for Health® Kinesiology classes are open to anyone wanting to learn how to use muscle response feedback to be healthier.
The K-Power® Kinesiology for Manual Therapists Series of classes are for Licensed Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, and other health professionals to enhance skills ad improve outcomes.
Kinesiology sessions are 30 minutes or longer. Stressed about something, book a session now.