Mindfulness meditation as effective as antidepressants
A new study from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has found that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy–using meditation—provides equivalent protection against depressive relapse as traditional antidepressant medication.
Auricular acupressure effective
PubMed: Auricular acupressure effective as a treatment for anxiety in prehospital transport settings.
American Massage Conference
The best hour class at the American Massage Conference was with James Waslaski on orthopedic massage. Learned more about frozen shoulder/hip. If you’ve got either, make an appointment with me now. If there is not significant improvement after the first session, there is no charge.
American Massage Conference
The best hour was with James Waslaski on orthopedic massage. Learned more about frozen shoulder/hip. If you’ve got either, make an appointment with me now. If there is not significant improvement after the first session, there is no charge.
American Massage Conference
Had a fun at the American Massage Conference. Saw four others from TN. Good classes with Angie Dubis, Michael McGillicuddy, James Waslaski, Laura Babcock, & Eric Brown. It’ll be in San Diego next 2 years.
I Won!
I just won the StrongLite Ergo Pro massage chair at Eric Brown’s class at the American Massage Conference.
American Massage Conference
I’ll be at the American Massage Conference in Atlanta on Friday & Saturday. I’m looking forward to the vendors and several short introductory classes on some new (to me) techniques. http://www.americanmassageconference.com/index.htm
Email Glitch
I sent out the class update email once yesterday, but some people received it more than once. I apologize. I am checking where the problem might be. Reply to the email and let me know is you also got more than one copy the the May class schedule update. I will not send another email out until the problem appears to be solved.